Sunday, October 14, 2007

Small Victories

Yesterday was a good day. The sun was shining, had a good chat with a friend, found an amazing deal on some of Glen's favorite shoes and bought them along with two scooter cards, discovered an amazing market in downtown London that has a farmers market and tonnes of organic produce at very reasonable prices PLUS the best sushi I've had since leaving Toronto, not to mention a new coffee place!

I also did my first home assessment and hospital consult as a real midwife. I've never done it all alone and it felt great. I'm fortunate to have such a supportive practice. In the end I was the person making the calls without having to ask anyone's permission. Yeay! Have I mentioned I love my job???

Finished the day with a nice bowl of cereal (my ultimate comfort food) and a warm bath.

Today isn't shaping up too shabby either.

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